High Risk Merchants

Do you know that not only do we provide credit card terminals such as Verifone, Nurit, Hypercom Ingenico, First Data, that we also support high risk merchants?  High risk merchants are classified as those a traditional bank has deemed high risk for a variety of reasons. The reasons can include high chargeback ratios, clients with poor credit such as a credit repair company, or legal or reputational risk for example some banks do not want to be associated with Adult companies, gentlemen clubs, smoke shops, etc.    We have developed great relationships with companies that cater to high risk including GreenPay and GoldenState Bankcard.   We have also as of 2018 now have a high risk credit card processing relationship with Entrust Bankcard.  Fortunately we can also provide a credit card machines for high risk merchants also.  We have developed relationships with several banks and processors that are "friendly" towards high risk businesses.  We can even provide you with a Free Ingenico or Verifone Credit Card Machine even if you are a High Risk Company!   So even if you are classified this way we can still offer great savings on transaction fees and monthly fees. Save Money on processing AND get a Free Terminal too!